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The cheese that is actually good for your heart

25 Feb 2005

Typical isn't it?

For years I've made an effort to look after my health -particularly my weight and my heart.

I've jogged round parks, I've joined gyms I never go to, I've cut out fatty foods… all the things I'm meant to do... And now it turns out that a cheese could be one of the most powerful remedies for cardiovascular disease yet discovered.

Of course, all the above are good for you, but it still comes as a surprise to me that a cheese could actually help your heart.

'Natto' is descibed as a cheese-like food that's derived from soya beans. It's been loved in Japan for hundreds of years, but not only for its taste. They actually use Natto as a folk remedy to protect the heart and keep the whole cardiovascular system healthy.

Not only that, Natto has been used to help lower blood pressure.

So this cheese seems like something worth taking a closer look at.

Is this the most powerful way to treat blood clots?

Natto is made by adding Bacillus natto, a benefical bacteria, to boiled soybeans. But it's the side effect that's getting medical experts excited. Because when these two ingredients are used to make Natto, an enzyme called nattokinase is produced.

Studies have shown that nattokinase enhances the body's natural ability to fight blood clots. In fact, this enzyme can even break them down. And that's great news, because clots can cause serious problems. You see if blood flow is blocked, the oxygen supply is cut off, causing the body to struggle and strain. This can result in angina and heart attacks. So anything that can put a stop to that must be a good thing - especially if it's a naturally occurring substance. As far as I can see, Natto has been enjoyed safely for over 1000 years. And the benefits of the enzyme contained in it - nattokinase - seem to be truly exciting. So if I can get my hands on some Natto - I'd love to give it a try. Tasty cheese that's good for your heart is just too tempting for me to pass up on.

Another 'healthy' alternative that could be putting you at risk...

Remember last week I told you about sugary 'energy' bars and cereals posing as health foods...?

Well it's happening again.

In a half-hearted nod to health, some fast food outlets are trying to lure customers with socalled healthier alternatives to hamburgers.
Enter the Tuna Burger - minced and prepared just like hamburger but substituting beef with tuna.

And we all all know how good tuna is for us.

Well not cooked this way it isn't.

The trouble is, some tuna can contain bacteria that multiply like crazy if the fish isn't refrigerated properly.

But the real problem occurs when the fish is ground up.

Apparently, something in the process may cause these bacteria to produce histamine, which in turn could lead to histamine poisoning. And this can be fatal to asthma sufferers or people with heart problems.


What to look out for and what to do about it

Rashes, hot flushes, finding it hard to catch a breath, diarrhea and a peppery taste in the mouth are all symptoms of poisoning - and requires emergency antihystamine treatment.

Now, I'm not sure how many of you carry antihystamines around with you, but I know what I'm going to do.

Avoid tuna burgers, buy fresh fish, and make sure it's stored properly and kept cold.

And if I fancy a burger - I'll stick to good quality ground beef.

Still, with weight sticking to me like glue these days, I keep things like burgers to a minimum.

And peanuts, and biscuits, and cream cakes, and fry-ups...

Which leads me to a big question....

Why did God have to make everything so bad for you so tasty? Liver, cabbage, ...why can't THEY be bad for you?

Anyway, to help you steer clear of tasty forbidden snacks, here are 3 little cheats to curb your bad eating habits...


Don't leave it to Christmas. Eat turkey and lose weight now!

- Turkey does something amazing thing when you eat it. It sends signals to the brain convincing it that you're full! A great way to reduce hunger cravings.

- Drink 4 cups of green tea during the day. It contains things called polyphenols that boost your metabolism and help reduce the need to eat.

And finally, the best of the lot...

- Get a curry in you! Apparently studies show that people who eat spicy foods find it easier to lose weight.

So there is a God after all!

That's it for today. Take care of yourself in the cold weather, and have a great week.

Yours as ever,

Ray Collins
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