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Is Prince Charles a secret Good-lifer?

26th May, 2006

If I woke up one night to find Lara digging a big hole in the garden, I wouldn't be surprised.

Before you jump to the wrong conclusion, I don't think she's plotting to kill me.

Sure, she might threaten to kill me from time to time (cue last week when me and the kids took apart Matt's bike and laid it out all over the kitchen floor).

But she's only kidding. Isn't she...?

Anyway, I don't for a minute think she's planning to bury me in the garden (I don't think she'd have the energy to dig a hole THAT big), but I can easily imagine her burying our TV and two radios.

The same goes for the pile of newspapers that get delivered to our house every morning. And my computer would be thrown in as well.


Because hardly a morning goes by where I don't read something or hear something that causes me to choke on my corn flakes.

And this week, dear reader, it's been no different.

I thought doctors were meant to help us?

When GPs pass out of medical school, it seems they get a lot more than a thermometer and stethoscope these days.

They also get a set of blinkers.

That's the only way I can explain why a group of experienced, respected mainstream doctors have, this week, described complimentary therapies as bogus.

In a recent letter compiled by Michael Baum, emeritus professor of surgery at University College London, he and fellow doctors voiced concerns that alternative medicine was being promoted despite a lack of evidence and 'at a time when the NHS is under intense pressure'.

The letter then went on to criticise two areas...

A governmentfunded guide on homeopathy
for patients

The Smallwood report, commissioned by Prince
Charles, which suggested greater access to
complementary therapies in the NHS might lead to
widespread benefits.

And all because there's no SCIENTIFIC proof that complementary therapies work.

The fact that there's anecdotal proof, and that real people have made real progress using complementary therapies isn't worth a stuff.

Even when someone tries an alternative therapy and makes a FULL recovery from a terrible illness (after having been written off as a hopeless case by the mainstream), that's STILL not enough to convince these blinkered doctors that maybe... just maybe...
complementary therapies are worth considering.

Unless some scientists can explain WHY this progress has been made, in a series of formulas and flow charts, then the therapy is rubbish and shouldn't be encouraged.

Can you blame me if my corn flakes go every where when leading doctors support such a narrowminded view?

Of course we ALL want to understand WHY something has worked. That way the therapy can be replicated and improved upon.

But surely the most important thing is that it works?

The whys and hows and secondary.

And to dismiss complementary therapies that have helped people overcome many, many ailments, just because some boffin can't figure out those whys and hows, is madness.

After all, what is the primary role of a doctor? To help us and cure us, or to tell us HOW he's curing us?

'I'm sorry Mrs Smith, I know that by giving you this tiny green leaf your arthritis pain would be gone in an instant. But I don't understand how it works, so I'll just lock it away in my drawer and give you these man made drugs instead.'

How would that make YOU feel?

I know how I feel... angry. Angry and let down yet again by the mainstream's intolerance of anything they don't understand.

Or anything the major drugs companies can't make money out of.

It's enough to make you sick. Quite literally.

And I'm not the only one who thinks so...

Is Prince Charles a secret Good-lifer?

If anyone has Prince Charles' email address, could they forward it on to me?

Because I think he'd really like to join all of us here at the Good Life Letter.

Listen to what he told the World Health Assembly in Geneva:

'The proper mix of proven complementary, traditional and modern remedies, which emphasises the active participation of the patient, can help to create a powerful healing force in the world.'

I couldn't put it better myself. In fact, I HAVEN'T put it better myself, ever.

He went on to say:

'Many of today's complementary therapies are rooted in ancient traditions that intuitively understood the need to maintain balance and harmony with our minds, bodies and the natural world.

Much of this knowledge, often based on oral traditions, is sadly being lost, yet orthodox medicine has so much to learn from it.'

Three cheers for Charlie.

And three cheers for these guys as well...

Terry Cullen, chairman of the British
Complementary Medicine Association, said:

'It's very frustrating that senior responsible people dismiss complementary medicine for the sole reason that it doesn't have the definitive scientific proof that other drugs have. There is so much anecdotal evidence that thousands of people gain benefit from using complementary medicines. We shouldn't dismiss that.'

And Madeleine Craggs, chief executive of the General Osteopathic Council, said:

'All recognise the value of evidence-based practice, but given the lack of funding for controlled trials, an interim solution may be to pilot more integrated services.'

Basically, don't write it off just because you don't understand it, something that makes 100% sense to me.

If it works, even for ONE person, then surely everyone has the right to be told about it?

And I mean told about it NOW. Not be forced to wait 5-10 years while some scientists with foreheads the size of saucepans try and explain how it works.

That's why I believe The Good Life Letter is so important. Maybe it's because I wasn't too great at school, but if I hear about a remedy that's helped people (especially if it's a natural remedy) I'll tell you about it straight away and let you make your own mind up, like an adult.

What I won't do is scurry down to the garden shed with my old toy chemistry set to figure out the science behind it before I pass the information on to you.

If I did that, I wouldn't be able to tell about great breakthrough therapies like this...

Rub your pain away in minutes

Honestly, reading the papers and listening to the news is enough is give you a raging headache.

That's why I was so delighted when I discovered this little gizmo...

It's called the Pain Away Pen, and it's a remarkable little pen that literally zaps pain out of your body.

It works by sending electrical impulses that trick your brain into thinking your body needs fast help.
(It seems this is one thing the scientists have managed to figure out!).

So it jumps into action and sends a rush of endorphins (the body's natural painkillers) to the affected area.

It's an easy way to tackle headaches arthritis, back pain, osteoporosis and joint pain too, without exposing your body to man-made drugs.

Why not see how good it really is? Try one for 30 days, and if you don't like it just send it back for a full refund.
Pain Away Pen
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