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The secret Viking remedy for stress

23th December 2005

If you've been stressed with all that Christmas shopping this year... then here's something that might make you feel better.

Remember I told you that story about my late grandmother waving at her own reflection in a department store mirror?

Well, there's an even more bizarre story I've been saving up.

I tell it only to ease the burden of your stress in the last two shopping days before Christmas...

An awful thing happened in Woolworth's...

It was the early '50s, and my grandmother was trying to shop in Woolworth's with my Dad's youngest brother.

My uncle was only about 7 years old at the time, but a big lad for his age, and a bit of a handful.

My grandmother, on the other hand, was not renowned for her patience... or her progressive childhandling skills.

(In fact, she once abandoned me as a toddler because I was throwing a paddy outside a changing room while my mum tried on some clothes. She fled the store without a word of warning!)


My uncle was having a having a right old tantrum. He kept screaming, shouting and tugging at her coat while she tried to shop.

While she was trying to pay at one of the counters, his screaming got worse and worse....

Until, finally, she snapped.

'That's it!' she said, grabbing his hand and turning for the door. 'I don't want to hear another word.'

She marched resolutely towards the exit, ignoring the ferocious tugging at her arm.

The more he pulled, the more tightly she grabbed him, not even looking at him as she strode through the doors.

It was only when she got outside and turned to scold him that she realised...

She hadn't grabbed her son's hand at all...

The victim was, in fact, what would be described in politically correct terms as a 'little person'.

And he was very unhappy about being abducted from Woolworth's.

My uncle, on the other hand, was inside the store, squealing with laughter.

So if you think your day was bad, just think of my grandmother.

And if your Christmas experiences HAVE been worse, perhaps you should think about trying a few stresstreatment remedies...
The secret Viking remedy for stress

When you're stressed out, your body produces hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.

They are vital chemicals, because they give us that boost we need to complete difficult and tiring tasks.

But if you're stressed over a long period, these hormones begin to over-stimulate your body... especially at this time of year.

Luckily, your body also contains stress-fighting hormones to deal with this problem.

One of the ways to release them is through 'adaptogens', chemicals which block stress hormones by getting to your body's receptors first.

Here are some of the best sources:

- Korean ginseng is a natural immunity booster that is also claimed help regulate blood pressure, improve libido... and possibly even impotence.

- Siberian ginseng, from the Eleutherococcus plant, used to be called 'Russia's secret plant'. It was used by Soviet athletes, as well as Russian cosmonauts to stimulate their immune systems... reduce stress... boost energy levels... and reverse chronic tiredness.

- Rhodiola is a plant from Asia, Europe, and the Arctic. Historically it has been recommended to combat fatigue and restore energy. Swedish researchers believe that the Vikings used Rhodiola... and we all know how energetic they were. And in modern Siberia, a bouquet of rhodiola is still presented to a bride and groom to ensure a good marriage.

While all of these remedies will help reduce your stress and restore vitality, it's Rhodiola that you could find really beneficial...

A treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

In 2000, a small study published in the journal Phytomedicine looked at rhodiola's effect on a group of 56 healthy young Armenian doctors doing night duty.

They found that problems like mental fatigue were improved after the subjects had taken extract of rhodiola.

The herb appears to raise the performance of neurotransmitters, which pass information between your nervous system and your body.

This is why some experts believe it could be instrumental in combating chronic fatigue syndrome.

Whether you suffer this ailment, or you've just been pushed to the limit of physical and mental endurance, rhodiola could help.

It lifts those fuggy headaches, boosts your appetite and brings you out of those exhausted slumps.

(The kind of slump I will fall into after a Christmas morning playing with the kids' new toys and then a lunchtime devouring Lara's great cooking.)

As I said before, rhodiola is an adaptogen, so it can also boost your resistance to stress.

On the web I found some good tips about using rhodiola:

- The type of rhodiola used MUST be Rhodiola rosea.

- Buy the supplements from a company with a reputation for quality... check that they are standardized to contain at least 2% of rosavin, a vital ingredient.

- Always read the label. The rhodiola content of capsules can vary from 60 mg to 300 mg, depending on the manufacturer and the rosavin concentration.

- Start with a low dose. Over several days, gradually increase the amount until you reach the recommended dose.

As I always insist at the bottom of each letter, make sure you see your doctor first if you have any worries about falling energy levels.

Now leave me to my robotic dinosaur!

In the meantime, I am into the final stretch before Christmas.

Tonight I plan to test out a gift for Matt which I am more excited about than HE will be when he gets it...
It's called a RoboRaptor - a walking, growling, battery operated robotic dinosaur.

It can sense objects, react to sound, and walk around the room without bumping into things.

Blimey... and I remember being pleased with a pogo stick!

I'll write again, briefly, on the big day,

Yours, as ever,

Ray Collins
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