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I don't know whether to laugh or cry about this...

7th August 2009

* Junk food disguised as health food

* A confession we should all listen to...

* 3 ways to prevent bad skin...
Well well well...

At last a story about natural remedies and healthy foods has
made the front page of the papers.

Well, it made yesterday's Evening Standard at least.

But rather than being something we can all cheer about,
this highlights a problem that's been infesting the health
food industry for years.

I've banged on about it (that seems to be my default mode
when trying to get my point across) in past issues of The
Good Life Letter, it's and something we should always bear
in mind when we're reaching for that foodstuff that's been
branded 'healthy'...

Junk food disguised as health food

Some of my favourite films revolve around a neat twist at
the end.

You know the kind.

'So Auntie Mable, first you killed the milkman, then the gas
inspector, then the entire staff at Asda, just so you could
avoid paying the bills.'

The room gasps.

'Oh Inspector Collins, you may be the brightest and most
handsome detective in the South West who could easily
have played for the British Lions if you hadn't decided upon
a career in policing, but even you have made a mistake this
time. Auntie Mable wouldn't harm a fly.'

'No, maybe Auntie Mable wouldn't...' I'd agree,
approaching the dear old lady whilst twizzling my
moustache and eating my trademark kitkat, 'but this is NOT
Auntie Mable. This is....'

The audience would hold their breath as I whipped of
Auntie Mable's rubber mask...

'.... Adolf Hitler!'

Okay. Maybe I won't make it in Hollywood as a script writer
(that's ANOTHER dream dashed), but the point I'm making
is that things are not always as they seem. What appears to
be a kind old lady is in fact, errrrrrrm.... Adolf Hitler.

And what appears to be healthy - in fact things that
positively scream about how healthy they are, are
sometimes the exact opposite.

Now, this is something you and I have known for some time.
It's also something I'm sure many doctors know, and many
alternative health experts know.

So yesterday's article in the standard wasn't exactly
breaking new ground by saying that certain organic health
food is in fact rubbish.

What made this article in the Standard extraordinary is that
this admission came from a health food industry insider...
A confession we should all listen to...

According to the Standard's report, John Mackey, the head
of London's leading organic supermarket admitted 'We sell
a bunch of junk.'

John confessed that his stores contained foods that were
packed with fatty treats that were branded healthy just
because they included the wonder-word 'organic'.

That, coupled with the fact that his stores are called Whole
Foods Market, gives the impression that you simply have to
step inside the door and you're already in a healthier world
- that you can buy anything from a shop that sells organic
foods and you'll be safe.

But as one of the leading retailers in the field has just
admitted, that isn't the case.

When Whole Foods opened, its mantra was to champion a
healthy, organic food revolution. It displayed its goods like a
market, packed things in brown paper bags, and did its best
to reflect its healthy eating idea in its marketing.

Trouble was, they didn't reflect this idea on the shelves.
Instead, they stocked giant meringues, white chocolate,
white bread, and a whole host of other unhealthy foods,
and banged on about 'organic' being healthier, no matter
what ingredients were used.

Healthier than what I wonder? I mean, do you think an
organic doner kebab would be healthier for you than a non-
organically farmed piece of salmon?

Of course not. 'Organic' isn't a magic word that suddenly
makes EVERYTHING good for you. Yet the health food
industry has traded on the power of this word for years.

And big business has started slapping organic labels on food
left, right and centre - because a lot of people think it's a
magical word that somehow makes fat or alcohol or carbs
good for you no matter how much you take.

Arsenic sir?

Don't be ridiculous, that would kill me.

But this is organic arsenic sir.

Ah, in that case I'll have 6 bottles. Don't bother wrapping
them, I'll drink them now.

Well I'm glad someone's had the cojones to admit that
organic doesn't automatically mean 'good for you no matter
how much you eat'. And I'm particularly pleased that
someone from inside the industry has made the point.
So good on you Mr Mackey.

My advice...?

Focus on buying local produce rather than organic produce.
Organic loses a lot of its allure if you realise it's been flown
1000 miles before it lands on your plate.

Now then, here's something that's been bothering a friend
of ours...
3 ways to prevent bad skin...

There's no mystery to this...

If you're not eating the right things, your skin will let
you know about it. As with so many ailments, your diet
can have an amazing outcome on how healthy you are
and how healthy you look.

And bad skin is usually down to one thing...

A bad digestive system.

Here are three ways to get your digestive system
ticking over nicely...

* Drink lemon! Boil some water, let it cool down a bit,
and pour it over the juice of a lemon. Add some honey
to taste. Drink this half an hour before breakfast
every morning. It's a fantastic metabolism-booster,
a common remedy for constipation, and it also eases
your digestive system into the day. If you stew very
slices of thin ginger root in the boiling water it
can also help with nausea.

* Eat more fibre. The recommended fibre intake for
men is 38g between the ages of 19-50, and 31 g if
you're over 50. For women it's 25 g and 21g
respectively. But most people are woefully short of
these measures. The easy way to up your intake is
to eat an apple a day, and replace refined foods
with whole grain foods.

* Get moving! Exercise is one of the best ways to get
your skin healthy, so make sure you go for a brisk
stroll during the day. Get the heart pounding and
your skin glowing. Even if you work, there's no
excuse NOT to exercise no matter how busy you
are. Pick a sandwich bar that's further away than
normal, walk to the nearest park to have your
lunch....there are a hundred ways you can
incorporate a bit of exercise into your day, so do it.

Okay that's it from me for today. I'll be back on Sunday with
more tips, views and news to help you enjoy a happier,
healthier life.

PS: Thanks very very much to all of you who wrote in with
your views on chocolate de-sizing. My inbox was super-
sized as a result, and is probably now suffering from kidney
problems. I'm still working my way through them - but I'll
include some of your views in a future issue of The Good
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